District 4 on the Del Mar College Board of Regents covers the area marked in lime green on this map, including the Island and Flour Bluff.
If you’ve ever wanted to serve on the Del Mar College Board of Regents, now is the time to put in your name for consideration of appointment. Deadline to apply for the position is 5 p.m. Tuesday, May 29.
An opening for the District 4 regent spot became available as board member Guy Watts resigned after fellow board members voted to begin a fifth investigation into his behavior. He has been censured by the board four times since March 2016. The 76-year-old Watts has served on the Board of Regents on and off since 1988.
The goal is to have someone in place before the 2018-19 budget has been completed.
Qualified candidates must be a resident of Del Mar District 4 and a registered voter and possess the proper identification.
To apply, submit a letter stating your interest in the position along with a résumè and any other supporting documents you might have to prove your qualifications.
Mail documents to The President’s Office, Del Mar College, 101 Baldwin Blvd., Corpus Christi, TX 78404-3897. You may also submit your documents in person at Room 133 in the Heldenfels Administration Building on the Del Mar College East Campus, also at 101 Baldwin Blvd.
The new regent will be sworn in June 12 and serve until 2020, the end of the current term for District 4. A full term is six years.