Celebrate Easter in Corpus Christi!

Celebrate Easter in Corpus Christi!

Egg hunts, easter bunnies, face painting, games, church services and more — the many ways to celebrate Easter in Corpus Christi. 
For a list of exciting events, check out the Events calendar at 101corpuschristi.com/EVENTS. Touch or click on the Add to Calendar button on your computer or smart phone or email events to family and friends for instant party planning. 
Here's what to do in Corpus Christi for Easter weekend.


Family Art Time
10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Art Center of Corpus Christi
100 North Shoreline in Corpus Christi
Barnes and Nobles “Too Many Carrots” Storytime
Join a special storytime featuring the charming picture book, “Too Many Carrots” at 11 a.m. 
5129 Blanche D Moore Dr.
Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History EggStravaganza
10 a.m.-5 p.m.
General Admission: Adults $10.95, Children (ages 3-12) 8.95, Military and Senior Citizens $7.95, Children (ages 2 & under) Free. FREE for members.
1900 N. Chaparral St.
Corpus Christi Aquatics Easter Eggstravaganza
11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Celebrate the Easter season at the Corpus Christi Natatorium. The special egg hunt takes place in the grass, on deck and even in the pool. The swimming pool will be open afterwards. Look forward to pictures with the Easter Bunny, face painting and more!
Cost: $4 per person
Corpus Christi Natatorium
3202 Cabaniss Parkway
South Shore Christian Church Easter Eggstravaganza & Spring Craft Fair 
10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Easter egg hunt, arts and crafts, bake sale, easter bunny photos and even pet adoptions. 
Free admission
4710 S Alameda St.
La Costa Dental Easter Party 
2-6 p.m.
Live DJ, games, food and bunny pics.
Free to attend, all proceeds benefit the Salvation Army
3505 Leopard St.
Easter Egg Hunt at Fulton Mansion
6-7 p.m.
Hunt easter eggs on the lawn of this historic mansion!
Fulton Mansion State Historic Site
317 Fulton Beach Road in Rockport
Naval Air Station Corpus Christi Spring EGGstravaganza
9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Inflatables, face painting, pony rides, caricature artist, egg hunts and more! 
Free for those with NAS CC access only.
11001 D St #101 in Corpus Christi


Fellowship of Oso Creek Annual Easter Festival
10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Egg hunts, games, petting zoo, face painting, fire truck, silent auction, inflatables, snow cones, popcorn, hot dogs, SWAT truck, hay rides, swing rides and more!
Free with a non-perishable food item for Crossbridge Food Pantry
7402 Yorktown Blvd.
Schlitterbahn Corpus Christi Easter Sunday Brunch at Veranda 
10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Brunch and Easter Egg Hunt on the golf course at 12 p.m. until all eggs are gone!
Cost: $24.99 adults, $12.99 (12 & under). Call 361-589-4220 to make reservations.
Schlitterbahn Corpus Christi
14353 Commodores Dr.
Cornerstone Church: The Scramble
10 a.m.-1 p.m.
The Scramble is an action packed event filled with an Easter Egg Hunt, inflatable games, candy bags, giveaways and more!
Free admission
3409 Waldron Rd.
Travis Baptist Church Easter Celebration 
10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Join the Easter morning worship with a special music presentation followed by an egg hunt.
Free admission
5802 Weber Rd.
Cathedral of the Palms Easter Eggstravaganza at Heritage Park 
4 p.m. 
Annual egg hunt! Prizes to be raffled away.
Free admission
1581 N Chaparral St.

For more fun any day of the year, check out our Events calendar at 101corpuschristi.com/EVENTS!