Residents can file to run for Corpus Christi mayor as well as three at-large and five district council positions from July 25 through Aug. 22. The 2022 general election is Nov. 8.
Candidate packets available
Corpus Christi residents interested in running for mayor or City Council positions can submit the appropriate documents from July 25 through Aug. 22 to get on the Nov. 8 ballot.
The application and filing requirements are available online.
A flash drive or paper form of the document is also available at the City Secretary’s Office, located on the first floor of City Hall, 1201 Leopard St.
The basic eligibility requirements are found in Article II, Section 2 of the Corpus Christi City Charter and are as follows:
a) Candidates for mayor or city council shall file with the city secretary, within the time provided by law, an application to appear on the ballot.
b) The candidate shall not owe delinquent taxes to the city.
c) The application shall meet the requirements of the Texas Election Code.
d) No candidate shall be placed on the ballot unless his or her application is accompanied by either (1) a filing fee of $100, or (2) a petition signed by registered voters residing in the territory from which the office is elected equal in number to the greater of: (a) twenty-five, or (b) one-half of one percent of the total vote received in the territory from which the office is elected by all candidates for mayor in the most recent mayoral regular election.
Other basic qualifications for candidates include that the person must be a citizen of the United States and 18 years of age or older on the first day of the term.
All election information, including additional candidate qualifications, forms to fill out, campaign practices, finance issues, and more, can be found in the 252-page 2022 Election Candidate Packet.
Residency, mental capacity, and financial requirements are also included in the packet.