GrowSmart is a five-week course offered by the Small Business Development Center at Del Mar College for small business owners who want to expand.

GrowSmart is a five-week course offered by the Small Business Development Center at Del Mar College for small business owners who want to expand.

The Small Business Development Center at Del Mar College is offering a five-week series of classes designed to help businesses with at least two years of successful operation and annual revenues of $300,000 grow.
The GrowSmart series uses multiple learning approaches to help small-business owners plan for growth, plan and implement a marketing strategy, lead and manage people, conduct financial analysis and improve operations. 
Classes begin Tuesday, April 11, and run through May 9. All five sessions are 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at the College’s Center for Economic Development, 3209 S. Staples.
Cost is $395, which includes lunch and workbooks. Payment is due by noon, Friday, April 7. Register online at or call SBDC program coordinator Monica Benavides at (361) 698-1021.
GrowSmart™ provides participants intensive, interactive and frequent hands-on instruction. The program also provides business owners an opportunity to draft their plans in class and collaborate with other business owners to review and improve those plans. 
Participants can expect a wealth of information, including a well-crafted handbook, relevant TED Talks, a robust bibliography of pertinent business and motivational books as well as the invaluable resource of experience shared by other business owners. 
Participants will have an opportunity for guidance and support as they step to the next level with their business. Modules include:
• April 11 – Planning for Growth
• April 18 – Marketing: Research, Planning and Implementation
• April 25 – Leadership and Management
• May 2 – Financial Analysis, Tools and Resources
• May 9 – Operations and Implementing Your Plan
Corporate support for this program is provided by the Port Corpus Christi, CITGO and Frost Bank.