This year’s anniversary edition of Corpus Christi Living magazine features a local pest control company that recently upgraded its services and technology. It rebranded two differently named branches of the company under one new moniker: BugPro. Read all about it in the May issue of Corpus Christi Living.

This year’s anniversary edition of Corpus Christi Living magazine features a local pest control company that recently upgraded its services and technology. It rebranded two differently named branches of the company under one new moniker: BugPro. Read all about it in the May issue of Corpus Christi Living.

Corpus Christi Living turns 4 this month. One of Texas Publishing Company’s most popular and successful publications, it gestated for a year as an ad mailer before its birth as Corpus Christi Living magazine in 2014. The company decided to add editorial content to highlight small-business owners in the city and increase the value of its advertising content by adding an events calendar. Readers had more reason to hang onto the 16-page, full-color publication for more than the great ads: They also found useful and engaging editorial content.
“We added high-interest feature stories, including a cover story on a local business leader each month, to create a more user-friendly publication,” said Bob Hotchkin, sales manager for Texas Publishing, which also produces the Corpus Christi Business News, Corpus Christi Area-Wide Telephone and Internet Directory, 101 Fun Things to do in Corpus Christi, and more. “Consumers are more likely to pick it up, which benefits the advertisers, which, in turn, benefits consumers, who will find savings, discounts, and information about local businesses inside.”
The company extends all its publications with a vibrant, interactive, and informative website, including the most comprehensive, interactive editorial calendar in the Coastal Bend. The printed calendar in Corpus Christi Living gives readers a taste of what they will find online at, where they can build a digital list of favorite events, email details to themselves, family or friends, and automatically add events to their personal digital calendar. The site is mobile-friendly, too, so it’s easy to use anywhere at anytime.
“Our online presence continues to grow,” Hotchkin said. “We offer consumers easy access to Corpus Christi businesses and services through and Everything we do is based on the this company’s dedication to promoting locally owned and operated businesses.” 
Readers are not the only ones who benefit. Corpus Christi Living pays off for its advertisers as well. Buying space in the magazine/direct-mail piece costs advertisers only 1.3 cents each — including printing, postage, and all — to reach 300,000 of the city’s highest-income homes each year.
“If you sell any type of product or service, this is the place to advertise,” Hotchkin said. “Anything else with the same reach will cost 18 to 30 cents per item.”
The publication is mailed each month to 25,000 of the city’s highest-income households. Every second month it is mailed to a different list of 25,000 high-income households for a total of 50,000 unique addresses every two months. Targeting these neighborhoods makes it unique in the local market.
“It’s the only piece mailed specifically to higher-income households that includes well-written content that people want to read,” Hotchkin said. “Because of the content, people keep it around longer than a group of mailers that is just a compilation of ads. These don’t get trashed; they get read.”
Advertising in Corpus Christi Living works, Hotchkin said.
“What advertisers get is a steady stream of customers who see their offers and who pick up the phone or drive to their place of business,” he said. “That’s what it’s all about. Customers.”
Texas Publishing is located at 4455 South Padre Island Drive, #4, in Corpus Christi. Call (361) 991-1306 for more information. Check out Corpus Christi Living online at, just part of the company’s extensive website at