Dr. Rey Samaniego at Evans Chiropractic has been serving the community for 20 years. Staff photo by JoAnna Kopp

Dr. Rey Samaniego at Evans Chiropractic has been serving the community for 20 years. Staff photo by JoAnna Kopp

Chiropractor Dr. Rey Samaniego has treated his fair share of auto accident injuries over the years. He has learned through experience that the best approach to auto accident rehabilitation can more often be through natural therapies and adjustments rather than pain medications. 
“Auto accident rehabilitation is a big deal,” Samaniego told Corpus Christi Business News. “It’s very important for auto accident injuries to be treated so that nerves are ‘unpinched,’ muscles and ligaments heal, bones and joints are put back in place and normal healing occurs. Otherwise, pain from these types of injuries may last indefinitely.”
A graduate of Texas Chiropractic College in Houston, Samaniego has been serving Corpus Christi at Evans Chiropractic for 20 years. He understands the importance of non-medical solutions to what can be long-term pain. 
Samaniego incorporates spinal manipulation to relieve pressure on nerves and restore normal function. To promote quick recovery, he adds electrical muscle stimulation to lessen pain and cold therapy to reduce swelling. A full-time, licensed massaged therapist on staff helps with the rehabilitation.
“We get patients well and back to their normal lives through physical therapy rehabilitation and spinal manipulation,” Samaniego said. “We answer questions and try to educate the patient about how the insurance company pays for their treatment.”
Educating patients on their treatment options after an auto accident is important to Samaniego.
“Most people don’t realize that they have personal injury protection on their auto insurance policy,” he said. “It pays for 100 percent of their medical treatment from an auto accident, no matter who’s at fault. Our clinic files all insurance claims, regardless of the type of insurance they have.”
The most common auto accident injury Samaniego sees, by far, is whiplash.
“Whiplash is an overstretching and, sometimes, tearing of soft tissues,” he explained. “It can cause long-term neck pain and upper back pain with severe daily headaches among other symptoms.”

Evans Chiropractic is located at 4058 Weber Road in Corpus Christi. Call (361) 271-0313 or visit drreychiro.com for more information.