The July issue of Corpus Christi Business News has everything you need to know about where to enjoy this sensational summer month in the Coastal Bend. You’ll also learn how to help your small business grow, who your fellow business owners are and all the latest economic news.

The July issue of Corpus Christi Business News has everything you need to know about where to enjoy this sensational summer month in the Coastal Bend. You’ll also learn how to help your small business grow, who your fellow business owners are and all the latest economic news.

July is all about fun in the sun in Corpus Christi. The front page of the July issue of Corpus Christi Business News is all about good news: 
Mayor’s Big Bang Fourth of July (with twice the fireworks display)
Red snapper season reopens in federal waters
• New mural festival, CC Street WAVE, premieres in downtown Corpus Christi
• The City Council will swear in a new at-large member, completing the roster for the first time since January! 
Businesses featured this month are: 
Gambler Specialities, a novelty branding company named for its owner, not its activity;
Commercial Insurance of Texas, providing windstorm insurance at the best prices and coverage available in years
Roofs by Kevin, a family-owned and -operated business that will someday be passed down to the next generation
Gourley Contracting, a turnkey construction company that will build anything from a water park to a shopping mall to a remodeled kitchen or custom home
If you’re looking for ways to help you small business grow, we have stories to point you in the right direction: 
South Coast Angel Network is looking for investors and exciting new ventures to invest in
• Texas Publishing advertising opportunities go mobile;
BIG event is for small-business owners at Del Mar College’s Small Business Development Center
In news this month, you’ll find: 
• City lifts drought restrictions for watering lawns
• Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi teams with NASA to conduct historic drone tests
Affordable housing being built in uptown Corpus Christi
• TAMU-CC appoints female president
• Del Mar College students develop lifesaving spray
New old hours at the driver’s license office
Texas Music Trail to cut through Corpus Christi
• Texas State Aquarium receives 4-star rating for fundraising
Looking for a place to volunteer?
The Cattery could be just the thing. Find out how The Cattery is saving feline lives and how you can help. 
Or maybe you’re looking for something to do this July?
We have two full pages of events, including details for the Fourth of July (and a map!). Information can be found on pages 8-9 but also online at Online, you can send details of the events you want to attend to family or friends (or yourself) or load them directly to your digital calendar. It’s a party-planning tool in the palm of your hand.