The La Palmera shopping mall opens it doors to City Hall on May 20 for a City Hall in the Mall event designed to inform people about city services. Courtesy photo

The La Palmera shopping mall opens it doors to City Hall on May 20 for a City Hall in the Mall event designed to inform people about city services. Courtesy photo

Shopping and City Hall go together like … well, like City Hall in the Mall. On May 20, about 50 booths will be set up in La Palmera shopping mall to distribute information and answer questions about the different services provided by the city of Corpus Christi. 
“The goal is for people to know exactly what their city does for them,” said City Hall spokesperson Kim Womack. “Streets and utilities are the obvious ones, but there are so many other services people don’t know about.” 
Some of those other services include the city’s libraries, parks, senior centers, safety, lights and more.
City Manager Margie Rose and members of the City Council will be on site as well to answer any questions residents might have about city services. 
Booths will be open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The first 250 people in the door will be given free goodie bags.