Coastal Bend Mattress By Appointment has been helping Corpus Christians find the perfect mattress at the right price since 2016. Working directly with the factory, We are able to discount top quality mattresses from the most popular brands at discounts up to 50 to 80% off retail. Allowing the customer to reserve the entire store, gives you the peace of mind to pick out the right mattress on your time.
Mattress by Appointment has a variety of Independently owned and operated locations around Texas from Austin, Corpus Christi, Brownsville, and more. Services are made by appointment that can be contacted at 361-442-7537 or at www.mattressbyappointment.com.
We offer wholesale prices, and discounts up to 50% to 80% off retail. Your locally owned Mattress by Appointment Shop is located at 1308 Ayers st. Don’t forget to call to schedule an appointment to ensure the shop will be open. We take appointments Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. remaining closed on Sunday.