The May issue of Corpus Christi Business News features stories on local business owners, the new ExxonMobil steam cracker plant to be build in San Patricio County, the upcoming mayor’s race and much more. Photo illustration by Roland Chiapoco
Look in your mailboxes, Corpus Christi business owners. The May issue of Corpus Christi Business News should be there by now, and it has 16 pages of news you need to know.
May is a busy month for Corpus Christi. Pirates invade the first two weeks during Buc Days, interrupted by a special election for mayor. Once the carnival has packed up and gone, we turn our attention to the long-anticipated opening of the Texas State Aquarium’s Caribbean Exhibit.
Business owners featured in the issue include:
- Cell-Tech, the home of cellular phone and digital gadget repair;
- Therapy First physical therapists offering the latest in pain relief technique;
- Texas Bridge Credit Union, a banking alternative for Nueces County residents;
- C.C. Staples Management, a hometown janitorial service and building maintenance company.
In the news, you can find out:
- Where ExxonMobil plans to build the world’s largest steam cracker plant;
- Who is serving as interim president of the United Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce during a nationwide search for the next leader;
- Which local company is now the state’s largest private employer;
- Who won the latest round in the continuing battle over ships mooring in Lydia Ann Channel;
- Which convenience stores will soon be owned by 7-Eleven;
- How much new owners paid for the Old Nueces County Courthouse;
- What record the Port of Corpus Christi and NuStar Energy recently broke;
Where to vote for mayor May 6.
Those interested in volunteering in the community can find out what it’s like to work alongside members of the Corpus Christi Police Department.
In Legal News, attorney Andrew Greenwell looks into a U.S. Supreme Court case that could affect how restaurant owners pay their workers.
We also have a page of event highlights for the month, which gives readers just a little taste of what’s waiting for them online at 101corpuschristi.com/EVENTS. Online users can send events directly to their digital calendars or send details to family and friends with the click of a mouse or touch of a finger.
And don’t forget to check out our advertisers. They not only make Corpus Christi Business News possible, they also help keep the area’s economic engine running. Their success is your success. Always shop local first!