A graphic from the Equal Payback Project, part of the National Women’s Law Center’s work to close the wage gap between women and men. Courtesy illustration

A graphic from the Equal Payback Project, part of the National Women’s Law Center’s work to close the wage gap between women and men. Courtesy illustration

The YWCA Corpus Christi will host the “Workplace Negotiation Skills for Women” workshop and luncheon on Equal Pay Day, which is April 10. The goal of the event is to educate women about pay inequity, offer solutions to wage discrimination and encourage women to take action.
The workshop will be presented by Dr. John Cicala, associate professor of marketing at Texas A&M University-Kingsville. Cicala specializes in workplace negotiation and runs Texas A&M-Kingsville’s Center for Negotiation.
“This is a great opportunity for working women and men in the Coastal Bend to learn about the pay gap and how it impacts our community,” said Nancy Wesson Dodd, executive director of the YWCA Corpus Christi. “We want to raise awareness of the impact of pay inequity on families, and we also want to offer a chance to learn practical tips and tactics for negotiating in the workplace.”
The date of the event is symbolic as it represents the date in 2018 when women’s earnings finally matched what their male counterparts earned in 2017. On average, it takes an extra three months for women’s salaries to equal what their male counterparts earned the previous year. The date applies only to white women who work full time; the date at which African-American women’s earnings catch up is July 31. Hispanic women’s earnings do not catch up until Nov. 2.
The National Partnership for Women and Families (NPWF) estimates that American women who are employed full time lose a total of $840 billion every year due to this difference in earnings. The wage gap varies depending on the state and congressional districts in which a person lives, but NPWF data shows that out of 435 congressional districts, 429 show a median pay gap between women and men.
White Texas women working full time are paid 79 cents on average for every dollar paid to men, according to NPWF research. Hispanic women are paid 44 cents for every dollar a man is paid. The figure for African-American women is 58 cents. Asian women are paid 80 cents for every dollar paid to men. The difference in pay equals 15 months of child care, more than 10 months of rent or nearly seven months of a mortgage payment, according to NPWF estimates.
Cicala will discuss negotiation skills and tactics that can be used to eliminate the pay gap and other work-related issues. He will offer ways for women to negotiate in the workplace and move forward in their careers.
The event is a collaboration between the YWCA Corpus Christi, American Association of University Women, Executive Women International and the League of Women Voters Corpus Christi.
The workshop and luncheon begin at 11:30 a.m. at First United Methodist Church, 900 S. Shoreline in Corpus Christi. Cost is $5 for women and $6.05 for men. Those interested in attending may register online by Thursday, April 5, at ywcacc.org. Seating is limited, so register early to ensure a spot.