New mobile medical clinic to serve rural areas
Rural residents of Nueces County will have easier access to basic medical services through a Mobile Medical Clinic. A ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new unit was held Feb. 28.
The renovated RV-turned-mobile clinic was purchased through the Federal Surplus Program. Major modifications and repairs were made possible through funding from the Nueces County Hospital District and Nueces County Commissioner Precinct 2 project funds. The Department of Veterans Affairs previously used it.
Pct. 2 Commissioner Joe A. Gonzalez said the mobile clinic will partner with local medical agencies and the now city-operated Corpus Christi Health Department.
The new department was approved by the Nueces County Commissioners Court on Feb. 14 after several months of negotiations with the city to split from the previously combined Corpus Christi-Nueces County Public Health District.
A nurse practitioner will serve clients on the mobile clinic, which will be have measuring and monitoring equipment. A driver has been hired.
The new health district is working on a schedule to offer checkups, immunizations, and referrals to specialists, which should be ready in the next 30-40 days, according to Gonzalez’s office.
To access the mobile medical clinic, call Gonzalez’s office at 361-888-0296 or visit the Corpus Christi Health Department website.