Operation Code Blue launched Monday, April 6, to help businesses recovery from losses incurred by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in Nueces County. Part coalition, part information distribution via website, Facebook, and other social media, Operation Code Blue: Reviving South Texas’ Coastal Economy, is named after a hospital term used to indicate an immediate need for patient resuscitation.
“My office is leading a coalition of businesses, organizations, and elected officials to create a recovery program to help each other recover and revive the South Texas Coastal Economy,” said Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales in a statement released with the program April 6. “You can learn more or get involved and pledge your support by visiting a website we’ve launched to help coordinate our collective efforts: codebluegulfcoast.com.”
The website includes links to Centers for Disease Control information, including a Frequently Asked Questions page and latest news on the pandemic in the United States and beyond.
It also contains information on the CARES Act, a COVID-19 relief package approved by Congress March 27. The Find Help resources page explains each of the business packages, links to applications for disaster loans, approved loan lenders, and what information you need handy when you apply.
A “Message From Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales” explains the reasoning behind the program.
“We want a planned and strategic response that is tactically doable, carefully measured, need-based, and affordable,” she wrote. “We will work rapidly on the detailed planning required for a Nueces County that is not only restored, but more resilient, stronger and larger than ever before. We should together rush to the support of our community and begin our recovery now. Stat.”