The historic Tarpon Inn in Port Aransas suffered extensive damage from the winds of Hurricane Harvey August 25-26, but has wasted no time getting the property cleaned and back in shape for reopening. Owners started a GoFundMe site to help raise funds for clean-up. Courtesy photo
Hurricane Harvey could end up being the costliest storm in U.S. history — until the next one. Small-business owners hurt by the storm have several places to turn to for help, whether in applying for low-interest loans, emergency cash grants or insurance settlements.
The first necessary steps to begin business recovery is to apply with the Federal Emergency Management Agency for a FEMA Registration ID Number and through the Small Business Administration for Disaster Loan Assistance.
Texas SBDCs are providing services at no-cost to small businesses needing help to navigate through the recovery process.
“Our experience with disasters of this magnitude has shown that 40 percent of small businesses never reopen, and the remainder take three to five years to recover,” said Al Salgado, executive director for the South-West Texas Border SBDC Network. “Advisors from across the Texas SBDC Network are prepared to guide business owners through the SBA Disaster Loan Application, assess damages to their business and explore opportunities to re-establish operations if possible.”
Deadline for applying for physical damage is Oct. 24. Businesses have until May 25, 2018, to apply for economic injury.
Here are six places to which you can turn if your business suffered due to the effects of the hurricane.
1. Small Business Administration: Low-Interest Loans
The SBA can supply low-interest loans to help with storm recovery for small businesses, homeowners, renters and private nonprofit organizations. For more, visit sba.gov/disaster-assistance.
2. SBA: Deferred Loan Payments
The SBA also offers deferred loan payments on existing small business loans. As of Aug. 25, 2017, principal and interest payments are being automatically deferred for 12 months in counties declared federal disaster areas. Businesses in nearby counties could be eligible for a nine-month payment deferral.
3. SBA: Business Recovery Center
The SBA set up a Business Recovery Center at the Port Aransas Community Center, 408 N. Alister St. in Port Aransas. Hours are 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Mondays-Fridays and 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays.
4. Federal Emergency Management Agency
FEMA can provide emergency cash grants to those in need. Register with FEMA at disasterassistance.gov or call (800) 621-3362 (FEMA). Grants are available for housing, medical and other disaster-related needs. Detailed recovery information, including local town halls, can be found at fema.gov/hurricane-harvey.
5. Del Mar College Small Business Development Center
Located at Del Mar College, 3209 S. Staples St., the Small Business Development Center assists business owners with disaster loan documents. Call (361) 698-1021 or email sbdc@delmar.edu. Counties covered by Del Mar College SBDC are Nueces, San Patricio, Live Oak, Jim Wells, Kleberg, Kenedy and Brooks. Visit delmar.edu/sbdc for more information.
6. Texas Workforce Commission
TWC is accepting applications for Disaster Unemployment Assistance for individuals whose employment or self-employment was impacted by Hurricane Harvey. Visit ui.texasworkforce.org or call (800) 939-6631. Deadline for submitting applications is Oct. 5.
7. Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend
Workforce Solutions helps with Hurricane Harvey Disaster Unemployment Assistance. Mobile units have been in Port Aransas, Refugio and Aransas Pass. The organization helps individuals, including the self-employed, who have lost jobs or work due to the hurricane. For more information or to apply online, visit workforcesolutionscb.org or call (800) 939-6631
Other services available for anyone affected by Hurricane Harvey include:
• Disaster Distress Hotline — (800) 985-5990
• American Red Cross — (800) RED-CROSS
• Nueces Co. Social Services — (361) 888-0837 for aid for rent/mortgage, utilities, food, transportation
• Legal Aid — Available to eligible low-income disaster survivors, call (866) 757-1570
• SNAP card — (800) 777-7328
• Green Cards — (800) 375-5283
• Birth & Death Certificates — (888) 963-7111
• TX Driver’s License — (512) 424-2600
• WIC: — wicprograms.org/state/texas
• Oklahoma Baptist Men —(361) 643-4253 at Oak Ridge Baptist Church, 2100 Buddy Ganem Drive, Portland, Texas. Services Rockport, Corpus Christi, Port Aransas, Refugio, Bayside, Woodsboro, Taft and Fulton. Will assist with large tree branch removal (impacting homes only) and clean up, including removal of wet walls, flooring and goods.
• Samaritan’s Purse — (361) 484-5437. For Portland/Rockport/Port Aransas, (361) 445-2645. Will assist with tarps for roof, large tree branch removal (homes only), and clean up including removal of wet walls, flooring and goods.
• All Hands Volunteers — (361) 717-1150. Provides free clean-up in the Aransas Pass area including tree and chainsaw work, debris clean-up for flooding damage and mold sanitation.