The Texas Windstorm Insurance Association could recommend another increase in rates, a continuing battle between the association, the Texas Legislature, and coastal residents and businesses.
Higher rates once again on the agenda for windstorm insurance association
State Rep. Todd Hunter (R-Corpus Christi) is once again rallying constituents in response to another possible rate increase by the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association.
“Over the next three weeks, I will be involved in the Texas coastal communities to oppose any and all windstorm insurance rate hikes on homes and businesses,” Hunter said.
TWIA announced a public comment period for its rate adequacy analysis. Comments may be sent by email to PublicComment@TWIA.org or submitted during two vote-casting meetings in person or virtually via Zoom.
Texas law requires that TWIA post a rate adequacy analysis on its website 14 days before a rate filing vote.
The first meeting on Monday, July 18, is for TWIA’s Actuarial & Underwriting Committee, which will review the analysis and make a rate filing recommendation to the association's Board of Directors. The meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m. at 5700 South MoPac Expressway, Building A, in Austin. Stakeholders may pre-register for the webinar and comment via Zoom or watch it on YouTube.
On Aug. 2, the TWIA board will consider the analysis, the committee's recommendation, and stakeholder feedback when voting on the association's annual required rate filing. The agenda and Zoom link have not yet been posted for this meeting, which will take place at 9 a.m. at 7 Hope Blvd, the Moody Gardens Hotel in Galveston.
Hunter is scheduled for public comment at the July 18 meeting and will be in Galveston at TWIA’s board meeting Aug. 2. He will also offer comments at the TWIA board’s Legislative and External Affairs Committee meeting on July 20.
Interested parties are encouraged to submit comments by noon on Friday, July 15, for the committee's review before the July 18 meeting. The committee will see all written comments, regardless of when the association receives them.
Compiled by insurance actuarials, TWIA’s 2022 rate adequacy analysis indicates that the association's current rates are inadequate by 15 percent for residential coverage and 11 percent for commercial coverage.
A rate hike of 5 percent was approved by the TWIA board in August 2021 and vehemently opposed by the Port of Corpus Christi, the Corpus Christi City Council, and members of the Texas Legislature. Because of a board vacancy at the time of the rate vote, a second vote was held during the December TWIA board meeting. On Dec. 7, the board voted 5-3 not to rescind the 5 percent increase approved in August.
TWIA describes the rate adequacy analysis as a professional estimate by its actuarial staff of the extent to which rates are sufficient to cover the association's operating expenses and its expected losses from claims. TWIA states that the 2022 analysis shows continued improvement in the association’s rate adequacy.
Hunter and state Rep. Mayes Middleton (R-Galveston) will hold a panel discussion with representatives from TWIA at the Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce meeting on July 27. This will be an informational luncheon on Texas windstorm insurance.
“We plan to fight any insurance increase and protect all coastal communities,” Hunter said.
While not a state-funded state agency, TWIA must make a rate filing with the Texas Department of Insurance by Aug. 15 each year. It is an insurer for windstorm and hail damage for the Texas coast, paid for by home and business owners in addition to standard property insurance.