Port Aransas took a direct hit from Hurricane Harvey August 25, 2017. Photo from Rebuild Port Aransas Facebook

Port Aransas took a direct hit from Hurricane Harvey August 25, 2017. Photo from Rebuild Port Aransas Facebook

Corpus Christi will host a public hearing for input on how the Texas General Land Office should disperse $4.3 billion in federal aid to those affected by Hurricane Harvey in 2017 and floods in 2015 and 2016.
The meeting is set for noon-3 p.m. Wednesday, October 2, in Room 106 at the Center for Economic Development at Del Mar College, 3209 S. Staples St.
Funding comes from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development through the Community Development Block Grant Mitigation program. The money will be administered by the General Land Office.
The Corpus Christi hearing is the third of four hearings to be held concerning the money. The first was held in Austin on September 26. A second has been set for noon October 2 at the Jefferson County Courthouse, 1149 Pearl St. in Beaumont. A fourth has yet to be announced.
The entire process for distribution is expected to take about nine months.
Mandatory rules for use of the money have been set by HUD and can be viewed here. A state action plan is due to the federal government by February 3, 2020.
To watch the Corpus Christi hearing live, visit  https://tinyurl.com/y2ylrql3. Those interested can join an audio conference only by calling 415-655-0001. Use access code 665 566 479.
Public comments also may be submitted by email at cdr@recovery.texas.gov.